Wednesday, December 24, 2008


So Santa Claus gave the reindeers their walking papers and got himself a disk brake equipped mountain bike to do his deliveries tonight. Actually that is reader Ian spreading some Christmas spirit in his 'hood and the Elf in the back is his son.

I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and all the best for the coming New Year. I also want to thank all of those like Ian who give me feedback and ask questions, either by email or by commenting on the blog itself. This is a big part of making this blog a living blog and I couldn't do it without you guys. When I hear that the info on this site has helped folks to earn a living, made a single Mom into a hero to her kid or brought together a Father and a son, I feel like a million bucks every time because I know that this effort is actually making a difference somewhere somehow.

A thousand pardons for not being regular with postings, but my life has been busy lately. If you ever want to test your marriage, remodel your kitchen yourself! Yes, we did make it thru fine, minus a few scratches, in the end. For those of you waiting for my book, don't worry. It's all written and I just need to format the thing so it looks better than a simple Word document. I hope to make it available for download within the month.

Until next time, ride safe, easy on the Eggnog and Godspeed.

Gerry :)

1 comment:

WestfieldWanderer said...

Have a good holiday, yourself, Gerry.